Personalised Workshops.

Newbridge's personalised workshops are designed to teach the soft skills that a student, or group of students need to develop for their chosen goals and careers.

Newbridge Workshop.

Using the answers of the NPT, we are able to accurately bridge the gap between self-reported profiles and observed behaviours in real-life or work-based scenarios. We intentionally design workshops to reflect genuine challenges faced by that student.

Research has shown that once the areas for growth are identified and linked to desired career goals, the speed of skill building increases dramatically.

Three Transformations Accelerating the Demand for Soft Skills.

Workforce Transformation:

Shifting business landscapes, changing economic outlooks and different employee outlooks are putting more emphasis on skill-centred hiring.

Digital Transformation:

Technological change has accelerated hybrid ways of working, leading to a greater need for flexibility on how people learn and how to facilitate learning in a team. 

Workplace Culture:

Job-seeking motivation varies across age groups. The youngest workers (age 18 to 34) are most likely to value opportunities for career growth, learning, and skill building.

The World Economic Forums report also shows that attributes like creative and analytical thinking are rated the most important by top companies. Yet at the same time, employers we have spoken to revealed that fundamental soft skills are lacking in recent graduates.

There is little scope for employers to second guess graduate talent and soft skills play a pivotal role in setting students apart from the competition.

Newbridge’s Mission is To Empower Students for the AI era and beyond.

As the world transitions into the AI era, the demands on the workforce are evolving rapidly. Newbridge stands out by proactively addressing these changes through specialised workshops designed to develop the most sought-after soft skills.

Skills like interpersonal communication, presentation abilities, problem-solving, and people management are more crucial than ever. LinkedIn's latest skill trends report confirms a sharp increase in demand for these, including surge of 73% for interpersonal skills alone, year over year.

These skills are essential for career readiness, personal growth, and effectively navigating the complexities of the modern world.